
Employee Voices

Inspiring Inclusion by Empowering Women Through WE

Meet two employees who share how the WE ERG helps them thrive at McKesson and inspires them to create an inclusive environment for all.



Read Time: 4.5 minutes

Even though they all have something in common, the women at McKesson come from many different cultures, ethnicities, backgrounds and generations. Our Women Empowered (WE) employee resource group (ERG) strives to amplify the voices of all women and help them thrive in every aspect of their lives. And in honor of Women’s History Month, the ERG is embracing the theme, “Inspire Inclusion,” to foster a workplace where everyone can develop and grow.

We asked two employees and active WE members to share their thoughts on how the ERG helps them achieve their personal and professional goals.

Brooke HarrisBrooke Harris is a vice president in primary care sales at McKesson Medical-Surgical. She’s responsible for the field sales development program and leads the outside sales team that works with customers in workplace health and emergency medical services.


Sarah MooreSarah Moore is director of customer return programs as part of the financial shared services team at McKesson. She’s proudly served as a WE board member for the past three years. Currently, Sarah leads the local ERG chapter in Las Colinas, Texas.


Why did you join WE?

Sarah:I wanted the opportunity to give back. After being a member for several years, I joined the WE board to help women reach their career goals. During my first year on the board, we partnered with Habitat for Humanity to build a playhouse for a local school. I saw the board members’ passion for serving our community and felt like I was part of something greater.

Brooke:I was looking for a greater sense of belonging. Growing up in a small town influenced the way I like to connect with people. When I joined McKesson in 2013 through an acquisition, I wanted to make our large company feel smaller. WE opens the door for conversations and meaningful connections with colleagues you might not otherwise meet.

What is the benefit of women coming together in the workplace?

Sarah:It createsa safe space. Whether they are returning to work after having a baby, caring for aging parents or going back to school, women can find others who are going through similar challenges and share their struggles, wins and advice.

Brooke:It’s powerful to see so many women supporting each other. It was especially important for me to connect with other women when I worked in male-dominated areas. That said, it’s also inspiring to see men in WE as allies who are seeking to understand and learn.

How does the ERG encourage an inclusive environment?

Brooke:By addressing the tough issues women encounter in the workplace and beyond. WE recently hosted an educational series about menopause. It was incredible to see women from all generations, as well as male allies, discuss a topic often considered taboo.

The ERG also creates space for us to have conversations about challenging social issues that we wouldn’t otherwise talk about in our daily work. I’m grateful WE members are willing to be vulnerable, share, and rally around each other, even if we don’t share the same opinions. Inclusion is about appreciating other people for their perspectives.

What does the Women’s History Month theme of “Inspire Inclusion” mean to you?

Sarah:It’s about having greater awareness of diverse voices. I’m a member of several ERGs and they’ve given me the gift of perspective. Our view of the world is only one tiny part. To be the best version of ourselves, we need to be listening to and learning from others.

Brooke:I encourage people to look for inspiration in everyone. Whether it’s a colleague or a customer, we are all dealing with our version of “hard.” If you show interest and have curiosity about someone else’s story, it will inspire a little more grace and understanding.

Career development is also an important focus area for WE. How does WE help employees?

Sarah: Anyone can use WE as a resource for development, regardless of their gender, job level or aspirations. We want to help all employees access the same tools and resources, gain exposure, make connections and advance in their career, if that’s their goal.

Personally, being part of WE reminds me to make my own development a priority. When I attend meetings or events such as International Women’s Day, I’m with people who are all focused on women’s growth and empowerment. It’s a tangible reminder to set aside whatever is going on and focus on self-improvement. And through WE, I have leaders from different business units as mentors who help me clarify the next steps in my career.

How has being part of the ERG impacted your experience at McKesson?

Brooke:It’s given me a platform to have broader influence. I spoke on a WE panel recently about dressing as a female in the workplace. It can be a stressful and difficult issue for women. I shared the intentionality behind how I express myself by wearing bold colors while still being professional. I wouldn’t have the opportunity to reach a larger group of employees without WE.

Sarah:I have the courage to be myself at work. Women often feel the need to wear a professional persona all the time. During WE events, I noticed that people connected most with the female leaders who were true to themselves and let people see behind the scenes of that persona. Those leaders gave me confidence to be more authentic with my team.

What advice do you have for women in the workplace?

Brooke: Build your support network. Carve out your boundaries and don’t try to do it all alone—leverage and empower your support system at work and at home.

Sarah: The world needs you to lead. It’s important to show the next generation that women can do anything they want, and there will be other women there to support them.
